I thought it was about time I revised my web site, so I decided to start afresh. I’ve removed my old posts and I’m going to update my book covers to the most recent versions. All of that should be done by the end of the day.
I have some exciting plans for my books. I have the sequel to Silk and Earth partially written (it has the working title of Magick and Madness), and I’m also working on a new science fiction series called Fractured Ascent. The first book, Master of Time, should be out in a couple of months. I have around half of it written so far.
I’ve also signed a contract to take part in an author anthology, which will be out early next year. I’m not sure if I can reveal the name of it yet, but my story will be mermaid-themed (as will the whole anthology).
As for content published under my real name (Mara Amberly is my pen name), I have a project partially-complete for John Wick Presents/possibly Chaosium for the 7th Sea Roleplaying Game.
I’ll post further when I have more news. Thanks for reading. 🙂